if you missed tonight's class, but got the kit-i am posting the examples in one post. i apologize for the quality of the pics- as it is past bedtime and i had to take the pics inside- and you know my fuji camera takes crappy inside pics. (hey girls- i had a blast laughing at you tonight)
stay tuned for tomorrow's blog post--- big news--- or you can just visit www.cropstop.com and check 'em out.
today's overachiever count: its august 14 and i've made 17 layouts and 31 cards. and no- i don't have 31 friends if thats what you are wondering. but hey- you never know, rockstar husband could go mainstream tomorrow. and i could get 31 instant friends. and elsie flannigan could be workin' for me. shaaah right. and monkeys might fly out my butt.