welcome to blog #1 for your world card making day challenge. here is challenge #1 by me.
1-your card has to be primarily pink (since october is breast cancer awareness month)
2-your card has to have a heart on it
3-your card has to be for a special lady who has touched your life
4-there is a sketch for you to follow, although you may make adaptations if needed
my card is for my momma. she won the fcs star award this week. and she won a week long trip for her and dad to go to dc and see all the sights, all expenses paid. and our family is very proud of her- so i made this congrats card for her.
after you complete challenge #1, you can hop on over to trace's blog for challenge #2(http://www.createbytrace.blogspot.com/) and see what she's got going on. also, i will be giving away a few freebies to 3 lucky winners who complete my challenge. so get those tape runners ready and drink your coffee, because there are lots of cool challenges to take part in today. and anytime there are challenges, you know cropstop is gonna hook you up.